Caisse's Tea and Essiac: An Herbal Cancer Folk Remedy
GRY03 - 32 fl oz
Caisse's Tea is the original preparation (Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Turkey Rhubarb Root and Slippery Elm Bark) that is quickly becoming a favorite among Alternative Health Care Professionals throughout the world. Its history dates back over 100 years through its use by Native Herbalists. Originally prepared by the Ojibway Indians, the formula was reported to have been used in an effort to restore strength, harmony and overall well being as part of their tribal tradition.
Essiac tea is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. The formula should not be prepared or stored in plastic or aluminum containers. Sunlight and freezing temperatures destroys the formula's effectiveness. It is generally recommended that persons consult with their physician before treating any condition with essiac. It is important to remember that essiac is often used in combination with traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Side Effects
No major adverse side effect have been associated with Essiac tea.
Essiac is not known to adversely interact with other medications or nutritional supplements.
It is important to note here that NO claim is made or implied that this product will in any way cure or treat cancer or any other disease or condition. We are in no way presenting this product to be a medicine or drug. It is generally recommended that persons consult with their physician before treating any condition with essiac. It is important to remember that essiac is often used in combination with traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Rene Caisse (Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards)
In 1922, nurse Rene Caisse of Haileybury, Ontario, noticed a female patient with a severely scarred and disfigured breast. Asking the woman about her scars, Rene was told an amazing story of how years earlier the woman had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Toronto doctors had told the woman she must have her breast removed immediately. However, in desperation, the woman turned to a more natural route that had been told to her by an Ojibwa Indian medicine man.
The Indian medicine man told her of a combination of herbs to brew into a tea and drink daily. He told her this would cure the cancer in her breast and not require it to be removed. She did as the medicine man instructed and as she sat telling Rene the story many years later, she obviously had not had the surgery and yet she had no recurrence of the cancer!
Rene asked the patient for the formula for the tea and wrote it down but never really pursued making it. A few years later when her aunt was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, Rene began giving the tea to her aunt. After two months of drinking the tea daily, Rene’s aunt rallied and lived an additional 21 years with no recurrence of cancer just as the lady with breast cancer had done!
In her desire to help the sick, Rene then began to give the tea to others with wonderful results. People with various kinds of cancer, diabetes and more seemed to improve with the use of this tea. Rene decided the unique combination of these particular herbs somehow seemed to cause the different organs in the body to "normalize" helping the body's own immune system to fight and "correct" whatever was wrong.
This amazing formula, made up only four simple herbs, is believed to normalize body systems by cleansing the blood, purging toxic build up, promoting cell repair and aiding in effective assimilation and elimination. While incredibly simple, when combined with each other, these four herbs and their separate individual effects are greatly enhanced.
Rene decided to called this tea "Essiac" which was her last name spelled backwards. As time went on, Rene Caisse continued to "treat" those considered terminally ill with very positive results. Health officials vacillated back and forth between a love/hate attitude toward her. While she never openly claimed the tea would cure ALL cancers it did seem to have a definite effect on many and it undeniably promoted wellness, general good health and strengthened the immune system.
Rene's desire was to make the tea available to everyone. She operated a Cancer Treatment Clinic in Canada using her Essiac Tea for many years, never charging for her services. Rene used the herbal tea herself everyday and finally died in 1978 at the age of 90.
Her desire was never for financial gain but rather that the formula for this old Indian herbal tea could be used to help
mankind. Rene did not want to "sell" her formula to drug companies since she did not want it to get tied up in bureaucratic"red tape" or "shelved" and discredited like so many other "natural" remedies. However, as she grew old, she finally sold the rights to this formula for only $1. She did this hoping the tea could be developed and made easily available to the public. Now many
companies are using the four herb tea combination formula and are marketing it under different versions of the original name.
As, advances have been made in mass producing the tea formula, it can now be offered not only in liquid tea but in
convenient capsule form.
Caisse reported that hundreds of her patients had been cured of their cancers through the use of her tea, sometimes used as intramuscular injections. Most of the patients came to her after conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy) failed. Several alternative health care practitioners report Essiac tea seems to work best in patients who have had the least amount of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. It is generally recommended that persons consult with their physician before treating any condition with essiac. It is important to remember that essiac is often used in combination with traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Hi Phil,
I just wanted you to know that I have been turning people on to your website for the Cassie’s tea product. Hopefully lots have placed orders. This product has saved the lives of people very close to me and I am truly a believer!
Dennise C. |
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Liquid - Polarized Water, Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Rhubarb Root and Slippery Elm Bark.
Powder - Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark and Turkey Rhubarb Root.
Taken separately, the herbs may not have a very strong effect. But, many times herbs when combined together work synergistically, creating an effect greater or all together different from the effect of each herb when taken separately.
Although each of the four main ingredients in essiac tea are used to treat other conditions, only the sorrel is used separately to treat cancer. Only when the four are combined do they effect anti-cancer properties. It is not clear exactly how or why the ingredients work in combination, but it is generally believed they work synergistically to stimulate production of antibodies. Caisse herself said she believed essiac tea purified the blood and carried away damaged tissue and infection related to the cancer. She also believed the tea strengthened the immune system, allowing healthy cells to destroy cancerous cells.
Burdock Root: (articum lappa)
Has been studied by Hungarian and Japanese scientists for its anti-tumor activity. Burdock is one of the finest blood
purifiers in the herbal system. It is classified as an alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic. It helps the kidneys to filter out
impurities from the blood very quickly. It clears congestion in respiratory, lymphatic, urinary and circulatory systems.
Sheep Sorrel: (rumex acetosella)
Sheep Sorrel is high in vitamins A, B complex, C, D, K and E and the minerals include significant levels of calcium, iron, silicon, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, manganese, iodine and copper. Sheep Sorrel also contains beta carotene and chlorophyll; citric, malic, oxalic, tannic and tartaric acids and it is rich in potassium oxalate.
Sorrel plants have been a folk remedy for cancer for centuries both in Europe and Asia, more recently in North America. Alleged to break down tumors and alleviate some chronic conditions and degenerative diseases, it is an astringent and diuretic. Has been used medicinally in Europe for centuries.
Slippery Elm Bark: (ulmus fulva)
Extensively used by Native Americans for a wide assortment of ailments. Slippery elm bark contains, as its primary ingredient, a mucilage, as well as quantities of gallic acid, phenols, starches, sugars, vitamins A, B complex, C, K and P. It contains large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sodium, as well as lesser amounts of chromium and selenium, and trace amounts of iron, phosphorous, silicon and zinc.
According to some herbalists, an antibiotic and anti-microbial effect has also been reported along with an ability to remove toxins from the body; therefore, it promotes faster healing of cuts, burns, ulcers and wounds. It is alleged to revitalize the entire body.
Turkey Rhubarb Root: (rheum palmatum)
Has been used for its anti-tumor activity. It also is known to exert a cleansing action on the gut, removing debris. Turkey Rhubarb root contains vitamin A, many of the B complex, C, and P; calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, and zinc.
The rhubarb root exerts a gentle laxative action by stimulating the secretion of bile into the intestines. It also stimulates the gall duct to expel toxic waste matter, thus purging the body of waste bile and food. As a result, it is alleged that the liver is cleansed and chronic liver problems may be relieved.
The preparation of Essiac is as important as the formula itself. Essiac is a decoction, not an infusion. An infusion is what people do when they put a tea bag in a cup of hot water. Generally speaking, an infusion tends to extract vitamins and volatile oils. A decoction is used to extract minerals, etc. from roots, bark or seeds by boiling for ten minutes and then allowing the herbs to steep for several hours. Entrepreneurs often sell Essiac imitations in tincture form (herbs in alcohol) or in gelatin capsules; neither form is Essiac because Essiac is a decoction.
1. Using a stainless steel pot and lid, boil 1/2 cup of herb mix in one gallon of pure, non-chlorinated water for ten minutes.
2. Turn off heat and allow herbs to steep for 12 hours.
3. Heat up tea to steaming, but not boiling. Allow herbs to settle a couple minutes.
4. Strain off hot liquid into sterilized canning jars. The remaining pulp can be used for healing poultices.
5. Refrigerate tea. For long-term storage use the boiling water bath canning method and store in a cool, dark, dry place.
6. For preventive purposes, people take 1 to 2 oz. (1/8 to 1/4 cup) per day diluted with about 1/2 cup hot water. Herbalists recommend increasing daily water intake due to diuretic and detoxifying action. People who are using Essiac to treat an illness or to eliminate toxins, sometimes take Essiac two or three times a day, depending on the situation. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) one hour before to one hour after taking Essiac; bedtime is recommended.
Make sure that the sheep sorrel you use is the small, wild variety of sheep sorrel and not a substitute like yellow dock or garden sorrel. Don't use imported turkey rhubarb root. Many Essiac merchants are unaware of the quality of their herbs. The best way to insure that you're getting true Essiac is to grow the herbs yourself. This puts you in control of product quality and takes out the commercialism. Burdock root is harvested in the fall of the first year. Slippery elm bark is wildcrafted and is easy to buy, but should also be homegrown so it doesn't become endangered. Turkey Rhubarb is the only herb in Essiac that cannot be wildcrafted in the U.S. It is an attractive ornamental that can be grown in a flower bed or garden.

This is a very easy and comprehensive book to read on the subject. With Essiac's key ingredients now available through health food stores, this book gives clear, simple instructions on how to brew the tea. You will read about the importance nutrition and exercise play in creating good health. Also included are experiences of patients who attained relief or regeneration from this remarkable herbal preparation.
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This Report includes documented case histories of the use of Essiac and the results achieved. It also documents Rene Caisse's never-ending battle with the wrath of the medical establishment in both Canada and the United States, the attempts by the Cancer Commission to gain control, and by governmental agencies seeking to shut down her efforts.